Established in 1948, the Organization of American States (OAS) is entrusted with promoting human rights and fundamental freedoms in the Americas.
The Inter-American Court of Human Rights is an autonomous judicial institution based in the city of San José, Costa Rica. Together, the Court and the Inter-American Commission make up the human rights protection system of the OAS.
The Inter-American Court receives contributions from various stakeholders, including academic institutions, in the form of Amicus Curiae Memorials.
Building on this foundational work, in 2023 the Facts and Norms Institute (FNI) has unveiled the Inter-American Human Rights Observatory.
A permanent project in the service of human dignity in the Americas
The Observatory is set as a permanent project. Mirroring its twin project, the Global Human Rights Observatory, it will monitor the Inter-American Court's docket and identify the cases and advisory proceedings which can benefit from new studies by the Institute.
The new project is structured under the motto "Research for human dignity in the Americas".
Legal and social research in the service of human dignity – that is what the Institute was made for.
The project starts with two teams. The first, under the coordination of Ms. Monique Salerno, aims at preparing a comprehensive study about human rights and the climate emergency, in attention to an advisory proceeding on the subject. The study is to be sent to the Court in the form of an Amicus Curiae memorial.
Coordinated by professor Roberta Cerqueira Reis, the second team is dedicated to prepare an Amicus Curiae briefing to assist the Court in the case of Leite de Souza and Others Vs. Brazil (the Massacre of Acari), demonstrating the Institute's dedication to critical human rights issues.